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Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2019

The Universe

The universe combines that what we know and what we don't know. Once the Earth was considered to be the center of the universe, today we don't know the center of the universe.

My position below is based on scientific evidence but I will express my own theory of the existence and preservation of the universe.
I'll start from the biggest to the smallest.

The largest structure known to us is the Superclusters.
These contain clusters of galaxies.
These again contain galaxies like our own the Milky Way.
Galaxies like ours contain solar systems like ours, with their planets.
All planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and Superclusters are made up of Atoms.
This is the general structure of the universe visible to us.

This is where my theory begins.

The universe is thought to have been created by the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago. In my opinion this theory is incorrect because it wrongly interpreters the Redshift phenomenon.
Also, the Redshift phenomenon is incorrectly used to explain the continuous expansion of the universe, which contrasts with the collision of galaxies.
Astrophysics tries to justify this contrast with other theories, such as dark energy and dark matter, which are unproven theories.

My theory is based upon the following.

The universe exists and will always exist because it has always been existed. The law of conservation of energy, the first law of thermodynamics, stipulates that "Energy can change from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed."
The basic principle of energy conservation applies everywhere in the universe. It applies to the macrocosm, where bodies move, exert forces and change positions and composition. It also applies to the microcosm, where particles are constantly moving and forming larger particles due to the forces exerted on each other. The energy of the universe, remains constant. It's just changing forms, constantly changing our world.

My theory

How then are the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the galaxy clusters and the Superclusters created?

The universe is a vast ocean of energy, unknown is how it creates huge predetermined electromagnetic vortexes.
These electromagnetic vortexes (such as cyclones on our planet), accumulate atoms, creating Superclusters, clusters of galaxies, galaxies, solar systems, and planets.
The energy of these energy vortexes is enormous and so powerful that, overall, their equilibrium and stability is not disturbed by the force of gravity, which is also based on energy vortexes. 
These energy vortexes are predetermined by the strong electromagnetic fields, in their position, so that planets in solar systems like ours does not collide with each other by centrifugal or traverse gravitational forces.

A vast ocean of energy from what?

The universe is a vast ocean of energy from Atoms. Atoms are supposed to consist of electrons, protons, and neutrons, which are made up of smaller particles, quarks, neutrons and gluons.

My point and my theory is that there are no electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, and gluons or anything else. There are just Atoms.
We don't know what atoms really are, because we could never actually see a single atom, but only one molecule (that is, many assembled atoms), with hydrogen being the first most well-known.

We cannot see atoms individually because that is practically impossible, because the observation instruments that we have are also made by atoms. That is, how to separate the atoms which contain the microscope from the atom in the air, from the atom of the observed object on the observation bench, which also consists of atoms?

What we can observe are the expressions of the atoms which create different kinds of energy and matter depending on the circumstances. In our known world, it creates the known elements of the periodic table of chemistry by changing its composition, form and shape, having electrically conductive or non-conductive properties, and what other we are aware of.

On the other hand atoms are light, X-rays and all the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Essentially the atom covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum of energy, that is, the entire visible and invisible world of existence, because the atom is energy and matter together.

So our planet, its satellite the Moon, the Sun and all the other planets are made of atoms. The Sun having the largest gravitational energy of all the vortexes, forces all other planets to rotate around it. The solar system, in turn, is in harmony with the other vortexes of energy, which form other solar systems, in our galaxy and our galaxy is in harmony with the vortexes of other galaxies, the clusters of galaxies, and finally the Superclusters.

The universe is a harmonious  coexistence of energy and matter of the different configuration of atoms, it has always existed, as is described by the law of conservation of energy.
So, the universe is a vast ocean of energy of atoms that creates powerful electromagnetic fields forming vortexes, which in turn create galaxies, stars, planets and all other astrophysical shapes and phenomena.

An example, if you were a planet that you could not see what is on Earth, you would see a blue ball going left to right or spinning.
If you were a germ in the human body you could not see the man driving a car at the moment and hosting you in his body.
The planet, the germ, and the man are all made up of atoms, created by the law of gravity initially and the other laws that we know or think we know so far.
This process of transforming energy into matter is the condensation of matter through the vortex.

Το Σύμπαν

Το σύμπαν είναι ότι  γνωρίζουμε και ότι δεν είναι ακόμα γνωστό σε εμάς. Κάποτε η Γη  θεωρείτο το κέντρο του σύμπαντος σήμερα το κέντρο του σύμπαντος δεν το γνωρίζουμε.

Η παρακάτω τοποθέτησή μου, είναι βασισμένη σε επιστημονικά στοιχεία αλλά θα εκφράσει μια δική μου θεωρία για την ύπαρξη και διατήρηση του σύμπαντος.
Θα ξεκινήσω από το πιο μεγάλο προς το πιο μικρό.

Η πιο μεγάλη σε μέγεθος γνωστή σε εμάς δομή της ύλης είναι τα υπερσμήνη γαλαξιών.
Αυτά περιέχουν τα σμήνη γαλαξιών.
Αυτά πάλι περιέχουν  γαλαξίες σαν τον δικό μας τον Milky Way.
Οι γαλαξίες σαν τον δικό μας περιέχουν ηλιακά συστήματα όπως το δικό μας, με τους πλανήτες τους.
Όλοι οι πλανήτες, ηλιακά συστήματα, γαλαξίες, σμήνη γαλαξιών και υπερσμήνη γαλαξιών, αποτελούνται από άτομα.
Αυτή είναι η γενική δομή του ορατού σε εμάς σύμπαντος.

Από εδώ ξεκινά η θεωρία μου.

Το σύμπαν θεωρείτε ότι δημιουργήθηκε από τη Μεγάλη Έκρηξη πριν περίπου 13.8 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια. Κατά τη γνώμη μου αυτή η θεωρία είναι λανθασμένη γιατί αξιολογεί λάθος το φαινόμενο Redshift- ερυθρής μετατόπισης.
Επίσης, το φαινόμενο ερυθρής μετατόπισης αξιολογείται πάλι λανθασμένα με τη συνεχή επέκταση του σύμπαντος, το οποίο έρχεται σε αντίθεση με τη σύγκρουση γαλαξιών.
Αυτήν την αντίθεση αστροφυσικοί προσπαθούν με άλλες θεωρίες να τη δικαιολογήσουν, όπως της σκοτεινής ενέργειας και σκοτεινής ύλης, οι οποίες είναι αναπόδεικτες θεωρίες.

Η θεωρία μου βασίζεται στα ακόλουθα.

Το σύμπαν υπάρχει και πάντοτε θα υπάρχει γιατί πάντοτε υπήρξε, ο νόμος της διατήρησης της ενέργειας, που είναι ο πρώτος νόμος της θερμοδυναμικής, ορίζει ότι “Η ενέργεια μπορεί να αλλάξει από τη μία μορφή στην άλλη, αλλά δεν μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί ή να καταστραφεί”.
Η βασική αρχή της διατήρησης της ενέργειας ισχύει παντού στο σύμπαν. Ισχύει στο μακρόκοσμο, όπου τα σώματα κινούνται, ασκούν δυνάμεις μεταξύ τους και αλλάζουν θέσεις και σύσταση. Ισχύει και στο μικρόκοσμο, όπου τα σωματίδια κινούνται συνεχώς και συγκροτούν μεγαλύτερα σωματίδια, λόγω των δυνάμεων που ασκούνται μεταξύ τους. Η ενέργεια του σύμπαντος, από την αρχή της δημιουργίας έως και σήμερα, (αυτό έρχεται σε αντίθεση με την βασική αρχή διατήρησης της ενέργειας) παραμένει σταθερή. Απλώς αλλάζει μορφές μεταβάλλοντας συνεχώς τον κόσμο μας.

Η θεωρία μου

Πώς τότε δημιουργήθηκαν οι πλανήτες, οι γαλαξίες τα σμήνη και τα υπερσμήνη γαλαξιών;

Το σύμπαν είναι ένας απέραντος ωκεανός ενέργειας ο οποίος άγνωστο πως, δημιουργεί τεράστιες προκαθορισμένες ηλεκτρομαγνητικές δίνες, αποτέλεσμα ισχυρών μαγνητικών πεδίων.
Αυτές οι ηλεκτρομαγνητικές δίνες (όπως οι κυκλώνες στον πλανήτη μας), συσσωρεύουν τα άτομα δημιουργώντας, υπερσμήνη γαλαξιών, σμήνη γαλαξιών, γαλαξίες, ηλιακά συστήματα και πλανήτες.
Η ενέργεια αυτών των ενεργειακών δίνων είναι τεράστια και τόσο ισχυρή, ώστε στο σύνολο να μη διαταράσσετε η ισορροπία τους και σταθερότητά τους από τη δύναμη της βαρύτητας, η οποία και αυτή βασίζεται στις ενεργειακές δίνες. Αυτές οι ενεργειακές δίνες είναι προκαθορισμένες, έτσι ώστε οι πλανήτες στα ηλιακά συστήματα όπως το δικό μας να μη συγκρούονται μεταξύ τους από φυγόκεντρες ή ελκτικές βαρυτικές δυνάμεις.

Απέραντος ωκεανός ενέργειας από τι;

Το σύμπαν είναι ένας απέραντος ωκεανός ενέργειας από άτομα. Τα άτομα υποτίθεται ότι αποτελούνται από ηλεκτρόνια, πρωτόνια και νετρόνια, τα οποία αποτελούνται από μικρότερα σωματίδια, τα quarks, νετρίνα και γλουόνια.

Άποψή μου και θεωρία μου είναι ότι δεν υπάρχουν ηλεκτρόνια, πρωτόνια, νετρόνια, quarks,  νετρίνα και γλουόνια ή οτιδήποτε άλλο. Απλά υπάρχουν άτομα.
Τα άτομα πρακτικά δε γνωρίζουμε τι είναι, γιατί ποτέ δεν μπορέσαμε να δούμε στην πράξη ένα άτομο μεμονωμένα, παρά μόνο ένα μόριο από αυτά (δηλαδή πολλά άτομα μαζεμένα), με πιο γνωστό και πρώτο το υδρογόνο.

Δεν μπορούμε δούμε ένα άτομο μεμονωμένα γιατί είναι πρακτικά αδύνατον, εφόσον τα όργανα παρατήρησης που έχουμε είναι και αυτά φτιαγμένα από άτομα. Δηλαδή πως θα διαχωρίσεις το άτομο του μικροσκοπίου από το άτομα στον αέρα, από το άτομο στο παρατηρούμενο αντικείμενο το οποίο βρίσκεται στον πάγκο παρατήρησης,  που και αυτό αποτελείτε από άτομα;

Αυτό που μπορούμε να παρατηρήσουμε είναι οι εκφάνσεις του ατόμου το οποίο δημιουργεί ανάλογα με τις συνθήκες διαφορετικά είδη ενέργειας και ύλης. Στον γνωστό κόσμο μας, δημιουργεί τα γνωστά στοιχεία του περιοδικού πίνακα της χημείας, αλλάζοντας σύσταση, μορφή και σχήμα, έχοντας ηλεκτρικά αγώγιμες ή μη αγώγιμες ιδιότητες και ότι άλλο μας είναι γνωστό.

Από την άλλη πλευρά είναι το φως, οι ακτίνες Χ και Γ και όλο το υπόλοιπο ηλεκτρομαγνητικό φάσμα.

Ουσιαστικά το άτομο καλύπτει όλο το ηλεκτρομαγνητικό φάσμα ενέργειας, δηλαδή όλον τον ορατό και αόρατο κόσμο ύπαρξης, διότι το άτομο είναι ενέργεια και ύλη μαζί.

Έτσι ο πλανήτης μας ο δορυφόρος του η Σελήνη, ο Ήλιος και όλοι οι άλλοι πλανήτες είναι φτιαγμένοι από άτομα, όπου οι ισχυρές ενεργειακές δίνες με πρώτη και ισχυρότερη του Ήλιου, έχοντας και το μεγαλύτερο ενεργειακό βαρυτικό φορτίο, εξαναγκάζει να περιστρέφονται γύρο από αυτόν, όλοι οι άλλοι πλανήτες. 
Το ηλιακό σύστημα με τη σειρά του βρίσκεται σε αρμονία με τις άλλες ενεργειακές δίνες του γαλαξία μας, που σχηματίζουν άλλα ηλιακά συστήματα και ο γαλαξίας μας σε αρμονία με του άλλους γαλαξίες, σμήνη γαλαξιών, όπου αυτά σχηματίζουν υπερσμήνη γαλαξιών.

Το σύμπαν είναι μια αρμονία συνύπαρξης ενέργειας και ύλης η διαφορετική διαμόρφωση των ατόμων, υπήρχε και πάντα θα υπάρχει, εφόσον αυτό ορίζει ο νόμος της διατήρησης της ενέργειας. 
Το σύμπαν είναι ένας απέραντος ωκεανός ενέργειας ατόμων που δημιουργεί ισχυρά ηλεκτρομαγνητικά πεδία διαμορφώνοντας δίνες, που με τη σειρά τους δημιουργούν γαλαξίες, άστρα, πλανήτες και όλα τα άλλα αστροφυσικά σχήματα και φαινόμενα.

Σάββατο 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Intelligence - Creation - Creator

This introduction is about how we understand and interact with our world.

Information of the world comes via our senses to our brain.
Our brain proceeds this information.
The ability to understand the information we call intelligence.
Intelligence organizes in order the information.
Feelings are the basic function of our brain, which helps us to survive, sustain and procreate, which is also part of the intelligence. 
Logic is also part of the intelligence, it helps us to analyze the information, which together with the feelings makes us to function better with our environment.
Feelings and Logic are inseparable from our brain where the balance between them, makes each person to function correct, to survive and to interact with its environment.
The amount of information we understand we call knowledge.
With our intelligence we categorize the information by thoughts.
Before the discovery of the languages people categorized and analyzed visual the information.
With the discovery of the languages, our thoughts are based on a language.
The language is organized by words.
The words have a specific meaning for each information.
Languages helped us to develop more fast, by understanding, categorizing, and analyzing more information which became knowledge.
Having more knowledge people become more intelligent, so they can interact better with their environment.
The way people use the knowledge determines how well they will survive. So, it is important to be in balance in their Feelings and their Logic.

The Subject
The law of conservation of energy and Logic, shows that intelligence always existed in this vast Universe! Follow the Logical steps.

The law of Logic dictates: “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence”.
The word – creation, means the transformation of the natural elements, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc, which with them a new form of objects appear, planets, mountains, clouds, plants, animals, buildings, cars, etc.
From them we call natural creation planets, mountains, clouds, plants, animals, where buildings, cars, AI (Artificial Intelligence), etc, intelligent creations since no one else on this planet except the humans can create them.
So, the law of Logic “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.”, is confirmed by us, because we know how to make them.
Next we will check if this law has a wider application.
The next most familiar field to check is Life, since we are part of it. Life in the past we didn’t know what it was,  only that it was a natural procedure. Today we know it is the outcome of the intelligent DNA. 
Why the DNA is intelligent. The DNA knows how and when to create organisms. It also knows how make the organisms to sustain and procreate themselves.  Do we know precisely the procedure of healing our body after a scratch? No, the DNA though knows  precisely how to fix it!
What makes the DNA intelligent?
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique.
Instructions are organized information with which we can make things, buildings, cars, Artificial Intelligence, etc. The DNA contains the  biological instructions, with which it creates millions of different organisms.
To give instructions one must have knowledge.
Knowledge is organized information.
Organized information requires intelligence.
So the DNA is intelligent and confirms the law of Logic which states  “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.”
This clarifies step 1, because if the step 1 is not understood, it is not possible to go to step 2.

Step 2
Everything in our world, including our intelligence, comes directly and indirectly from the Universe.
It is shown in step1, that the law, “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.”, it is correct,  so Life is an intelligent procedure, from DNA to humans and their intelligent creations.
The intelligent DNA which creates intelligent humans, according to the law of Logic, must be created by something intelligent.
What options do we have:
A- The intelligent DNA emerged naturally from the Earth. This makes the planet Earth intelligent.
B- It comes from a meteorite.
Ba- Send from an advanced alien civilizations, Francis Crick and L.E. Orgel published a paper in Icarus journal, in 1973, in which they called it Directed Panspermia. 
C- It is made from an alien civilization that visited the Earth millions years ago.
D- The planet Earth, and any other intelligent civilization, is part of the same Universe.

 So, the Universe is the indisputable Creator of everything including the intelligence, since everything comes from the Universe.
Again, The law of Logic dictates: “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence” Consequently, the Universe is our intelligent Creator or the Creator of intelligence.

Step 3
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. 
That means that the Universe which is the  intelligent Creator or Creator of the intelligence, always existed, because it is self-sustaining!

Step 4
The law of conservation of energy and Logic, shows that the self-sustaining Intelligent Universe is our Creator, and shows that intelligence always existed in this vast and self-sustaining Universe!

Conclusion: Intelligence - Creation  - Creator, are the same thing, since all of them are inseparable and have their origin in the self-sustaining Universe!

Παρασκευή 5 Ιουλίου 2019

The fingerprint of the Creator, the DNA, is intelligent

Credit: eng-cs.syr.edu-Intelligence.

Very important: 
A) Pay attention, 100% of your body is product of the DNA, this tells you, “You are the DNA or the DNA is You”.

B) Your awareness, with which you realize the world, is a small function of your DNA. 

First you must  understand what is intelligence, and what it means for humans.
Intelligence is to understand and use the information to interact with the natural environment, to survive, sustain and procreate.

To understand and use the information is the ability to learn.

To learn, needs  a language to explain the information.

To learn a language acquires  to know its letters and the meaning of words.

Once the information is understood, it needs to be organized, to be categorized according their meaning, so that it can  be used.

This organized information is knowledge.

With knowledge you can do things.

To do things it needs to have tools. Humans having a very advanced body, made by the DNA, are able to make things.

Having Knowledge and an advanced body, humans can make things according their knowledge.

Humans can learn continuously, by using their  intelligence and knowledge, which helps them to adapt better to their  natural environment, and beyond. 

The DNA is a biological material which evolves in its natural environment by adaptation.

Adaptation is to understand the information, from the natural environment, to adjust, so the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its natural environment. Adaptation requires intelligence to understand and proceed the information.

DNA learns by understanding the information of the natural environment  biochemically, which is its language. 

Once the information is understood, it needs biochemically to organize much information, to categorize it according its meaning, so that it can  be used. 

This organized information is knowledge.

Having knowledge of the organized information, the DNA gives the instructions (what to do and how to do), like a good engineer, to the next biological material which is made by itself, the RNA. 

The RNA having the instructions from its creator and engineer the DNA, like a good builder, starts to make proteins (the building material), to create/make and build  new living organisms.

How to make something, if you don’t know how to make it? Only if you know how to make things, you can make them. DNA knows how to make things, this is intelligence with knowledge.

This intelligent and complicated procedure which makes all Life on planet Earth, is the DNA > RNA > Proteins, it is called Evolution of Life, with Natural Selection, by adaptation, of the surviving of the fittest.  
It  is the evolution of the DNA in all life forms, (animals, plants, etc), which interacts with the Natural Environment. 

The rule of logic “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence”, also points, that the Creator of the intelligent DNA, is the super intelligent self-sustaining Universe, where everything exist, since Energy and Matter are interchangeable, and also Mass–Energy equivalence, Einstein's equation, E=mc2. 
Additionally, according to the first law of thermodynamics, the total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Energy can be transferred from place to place or transformed into different forms, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

Conclusion: The DNA is the intelligent Creator/Maker of every living organism on this planet, because it knows how to make, sustain and procreate Life.
Only intelligence is able to create intelligence. This rule of logic confirms that DNA is intelligent, since among other living organisms, makes/creates the intelligent human. So simple!

Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2019

Why with our knowledge is it so difficult to understand the fingerprint of the Creator?

Hubble Space Telescope.

As an idea this is difficult to be accepted, something that I can understand, if we consider that science  has to prove that there is not a God/Creator.

Science serves the knowledge
On the contrary, the scientific evidence proves the opposite and most of all the DNA. The people  are not able to understand, that to make, and create something, it needs intelligence and this is not only  characteristic of an animal with a brain like the humans.
We create marvelous things, buildings, cars, airplanes, computers, etc, and we are not able to realize that we can create these things, thanks to our Creator, the DNA.

Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. These instructions are found inside every cell, and are passed down from parents to their children.

What instructions are:

Instructions are the organized information, which demands knowledge, and intelligence to proceed them.

How it happened?
The DNA decided according to our knowledge, to create one day the human, probably by mutating another creature.
The DNA gave him the ability to use a language to communicate, a thumb to do things and most importantly, the advanced brain to start making and creating.

We are the same
The other thing that confuses the people is that we don’t realize that DNA is not something different and outside, but totally ourselves.
When we study DNA, speak about DNA, we study and speak about us. Humans and all the other living organisms are different versions of the DNA, since all living organisms on the planet Earth share the same biological material, the DNA.

Shall we see what we define as intelligence? Intelligence is to understand the information and to interact with it. For living organisms the information is needed  for three principles, to survive, to sustain and to procreate safely. 
Humans have achieved these principles, they can use their intelligence to develop their environment and improve their living conditions. We achieved this thanks to the collected information, the Knowledge.
To understand the information and to interact with it is intelligence. 
Knowledge is the collection of information, which intelligence understands.

The greatest technological achievement of humanity is the Artificial Intelligence, a technology which helps us to develop more fast than ever. 
Artificial Intelligence has the ability to learn the information, to understand and to interact with it,  the same way we do.
So, Artificial Intelligence is created by us, with the intelligence and the knowledge we have. 
Think for one moment, what is more intelligent, the Artificial Intelligence or the humans that made it?
DNA also creates creatures, with the intelligence and the knowledge it has, by giving the instructions=Knowledge=Intelligence. How to make something if you don’t know how to make it?

And again ask yourself:
Do you know something else? Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.

Questions and Answers
OK, logic dictates that intelligence creates intelligence, from where then came the DNA?
One option is that it emerged somehow from the planet Earth. That means the planet is intelligent.
Second option is that it came from extraterrestrial source, which makes this source intelligent.
Both options and any other, have one origin, the Universe, which makes the Universe intelligent. 
For the question, can the Universe be intelligent by itself? The answer is yes, because it creates everything.
And who created the Universe? The most common and logical answer is, the universe is self-sustaining.
If we take the Big Bang Theory, then it is the will of the God/Creator.

The intelligent Universe for the theists is the God/Creator, what is it for the atheists?

Another question of the atheists is, why Life=DNA exist?  To this maybe the religions give the most satisfied answers, because they contain the most information we have. 

Conclusion: DNA is the fingerprint of the Creator-the intelligent Universe, because it is the only source we have, which connect us with it.

Δευτέρα 10 Ιουνίου 2019

The DNA and the Creator - God

This topic is made to explain in a very simple words what is DNA, what it does and how it is connected with the Creator or God. 

First of All, when we talk about the DNA, we have to realize we talk about Life or when we are asked what is Life the answer is, Life is the DNA.

What is the DNA 
Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA how we know it, it is a nucleic acid, a biological molecule or biological material, which, makes, creates, builds, Life.

The Genome
A genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Each genome contains all the information needed to build and maintain that organism. In humans, a copy of the entire genome-more than 3 billion DNA base pairs-is contained in all cells that have a nucleus.

The Gene
Genes are small sections of DNA within the genome that code for proteins. They contain the instructions for our individual characteristics - like eye and hair color.
There are approximately 20-25000 protein coding genes in the human body.

The Chromosomes
The Chromosomes are  also made by the DNA. Your body is made up of billions of cells, which are too small to see without a strong microscope. Inside most of those cells are chromosomes, which are thread-like strands that contain hundreds, or even thousands, of genes. Genes determine physical traits, such as the color of your eyes. Most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and you received half your chromosomes from your mother and the other half from your father. Even after you're born, your 46 chromosomes continue to guide the way your body grows and develops.

The Cell
Every living organism (plants, fish, animals, humans, etc), that forms the Life, it is made with a biological building block which is called Cell. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms, each living body consists of Cells and its biological existence is the sum of all these Cells.
How it works
The DNA contains the genetic instruction and information, it makes another biological material (nucleic acid), the Ribonucleic acid (RNA), which transfers the genetic information, by making proteins (amino acids), which build the living organisms. This procedure is called the Central Dogma of Life.

It is a very complicated procedure which the outcome of this, it is what we know as Life.

We know now that DNA is Life. The DNA is the only one biological material we know that builds Life. We don’t know anything else, but only the ONE and Unique DNA, which makes all living organisms on the planet Earth. There are estimated millions, billions or perhaps 1 Trillion species.
These numbers can blown up one person's mind, considering that all these species are made by ONE biological material the DNA.
Humans we share almost the same biological information since we are 99.9% made from the same DNA, and only the 0.1% make all the differences we have.
All the other living organisms on planet Earth, they can consider relatives, because also are made by  DNA.

DNA and Intelligence
It is obvious now that DNA carries the genetic instruction and information which build the Life. Instructions and Information is a characteristic of intelligence, because these Instructions and Information, sustain and procreate the Life. For example to make a better car, you must know how to make a car, the same way to make intelligent life, you must know how to make life.

What we know until now, is that according the Evolution Theory, Life evolved making all the living organisms, where on the top we find the humans. 
Life or DNA to make new species and to evolve them, needs to learn, to adapt, to survive, to sustain and to procreate in the natural environment, especially when the natural environment is so hard to survive, which in the Evolution Theory, is expressed as “The Survival of the Fittest”. 
Only “The Survival of the Fittest” requires intelligence as a living organism, and this has to pass to the next generations, through the DNA and the procreation procedure.

Only intelligence is able to make intelligence. Do you know something else?

This is the most logical statement and answer that human kind knows very well, thanks to advanced and developed brain.

According to the Evolution Theory, the knowledge of the DNA and our logic, one conclusion is certain, that intelligence exists and evolves.
DNA is extremely intelligent biological material, because it has the prerequisites for it to evolve into human intelligence.

That intelligent exists, means that it is already there.
What we know again until now, is that this intelligence exists on this planet with the DNA. If it was emerged this intelligence of this planet to make the DNA, means that this planet is already intelligent.
This planet is part of the solar system, part of our galaxy, part of our universe.
The universe that can make life, is intelligent, and the proof of it, is all living organisms on the planet Earth and the most impressive, the humans.

The question of where was the intelligence before the Big Bang, is not relevant, because the Big Bang is just a recent theory, which could be either wrong or either right, but the universe it was always there and the only reality we know!
If we accept the  Big Bang theory, then the will of Creation and intelligence was emerged.
If we accept the self-sustaining universe, which it is the most realistic, the intelligence it was, it is  and it will be always there.

Conclusion: The universe it makes intelligent Life.
The universe is everything we know, and for all the religious people what they know and feel as everything, is the God. Consequently, for them the universe is the God – Creator. 
If the God – Creator makes complicate intelligent Life, then the making of planets, stars and galaxies it is an easy job.

For the atheists, the origin of the DNA it’s a sensitive subject, because if intelligence is involved in the evolution of Life, then, they have no options than to accept the existence of a higher intelligence,  which is associated again with the following:
A - option - emerged intelligence.
B - option - extraterrestrial intelligence.
C - option - God – Creator.
Anyway, these 3 options are part of the universe, which  makes again the universe intelligent.

And don’t forget: Only intelligence is able to make intelligence. Do you know something else?

And my personal statements.

Παρασκευή 31 Μαΐου 2019

Scientific Method – Experiment

1- A subject, an idea or whatever.
2- Observation.
3- Questions and collecting information over the observation of the subject.
4- Make hypothesis over the observation and the collecting information.
5- Test the hypothesis to check if it is correct.
6- Repeat the testing hypothesis several times to verify the same results.
7- Check if related subjects have the same results.
8- If the initial subject results do not coincide with the related subjects, there are two possibilities.
A- The subjects are not related.
B- The results are not correct either from the initial subject or the related subjects.
9- If the results from the initial subject are coincide with the results of the related subjects, then the experiment is correct.
10- By following the previous steps you can have a secure and stable conclusion.

Τρίτη 16 Απριλίου 2019

The main Ethos-Morality, “Don't do what you don't want to be done to you”.

This is a universal morality, violated by every life form and it is the basic reason of suffering and learning.
In Nature there is one law that prevails, your death is my life. Humans can break this suffering towards themselves and  the other creatures if they will.
To break this painful law  always demands a cost and you need a strong morality.
Humans are on the top of the life chain, which means that they have strong empathy and consequently morality.

This makes humans more responsible for their actions, since they know and are aware of each consequence of those actions.
People, compared with other creatures, know better the meaning of the main Ethos-Morality, but what we actually  think and do, is always connected with our interest, ignoring the consequences they have towards the others.
This behavior brings us in conflict with each other, and damages our natural environment.

Ethos-Morality and the living according to Ethics (justice, bravery, honesty, modesty, etc),  improves the moral level of humans, makes them more calm, peaceful, honest, decent, with respect to the other people and to the other life forms of our planet.
Morality is the source of peace and the founder of Justice. Morality and Justice bring balance in to every society and finally to our natural environment.

Don’t kill because you don’t want to be killed.
Don’t steal because you don’t want to be robbed.
Don’t say lies because you don't like to be told lies.
Don't do what you don't want to be done to you.

Now you know better and if you don't know your conscience will tell you.

Τρίτη 5 Μαρτίου 2019

Can there be life after death?

One thing we know for sure thanks to our technology, what we don’t see, hear, or feel it doesn’t mean that don’t exist. Your mobile phone all the pictures, video, music, communication comes with invisible waves, the electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves are defined according to our knowledge to different frequencies. Our brain also works in frequencies, studies have shown to function from below 0,1 to 110 Hz and this doesn’t mean we know everything.

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that heat is a form of energy, and thermodynamic processes are therefore subject to the principle of conservation of energy. This means that heat energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can, however, be transferred from one location to another and converted to and from other forms of energy.
Note: What we call as heat it is also an electromagnetic wave.

When we die our brain stops and this electromagnetic energy according the First Law of Thermodynamics has to go somewhere. If already our brain during our lifetime is connected permanently in a certain frequency unknown to us, when the body dies this energy probably will join the frequency which was always connected.
If you think which part of our brain function could be always connected, the best candidate is our conscience, because is the tool which supports our awareness.

Παρασκευή 1 Μαρτίου 2019

Deductive reasoning – Syllogisms, conclude that the DNA has an intelligent creator

Is the logic the ultimate tool to trust?
Then why not to trust our logic?

1. Deductive reasoning - Syllogisms
Logical reasoning: Intelligent creatures can create intelligent creations.

Logical statements - premises:
1. The DNA creates humans because it is an intelligent biological material programmed to do this work. (First premise)
2. Humans create things because, humans are intelligent. (Second premise)
Every intelligent creature can create intelligent things.(Conclusion)

2. Deductive reasoning - Syllogisms
Logical reasoning: Intelligent creations are created by something intelligent.

Logical statements – premises:
1.  Intelligent  computers are created by  intelligent  humans. (First premise)
2.  Intelligent humans are created by the intelligent  DNA. (Second premise)
Every intelligent creation is created by something intelligent. (Conclusion)

From deductive reasoning - Syllogisms 1 and 2, there are the conclusions:
1. DNA fulfills the rule of logic, who says, that“an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”.
2. DNA demands a creator.

If we can not prove the above  deductive reasoning – Syllogisms and their conclusions are wrong, then they are correct. Rule of Logic.

Next step is to find what it is the intelligent creator of the DNA.

Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Why the Creator created Life

The point is to understand why the Creator created  the DNA and us. The DNA is a super intelligent biological material, programmed to create, preserve and procreate life forms.

All life forms have a type of awareness of their natural environment, so they can interact with it, in order to survive and procreate. New studies have proven that plants for example feel, they communicate with their own kind and react with each other for better conditions of surviving. So they accumulate a type of knowledge, to adapt with their natural environment. All this knowledge about plants was unknown to us, but with special cameras and electronic devices we manage to understand more things.
What the plants do is the learning procedure which is the central point of all living organisms. Humans do the same, we learn  through the experience, the school, etc.

What is the meaning of learning?
First of all to have better living conditions, food, water, shelter, etc. When we achieve the basic things then we have time to think about almost everything, because we are programmed to learn, everything that is connected with us, the nature and the universe.

The more we learn about the nature which is the nearest to us, the more we feel the connection with it, and the more we respect and understand it. Learning and understanding is the bond with our environment. For example the discovery of the DNA proves what the Hindu philosophy or religion teaches, that all creatures are relatives.

So far what we know. All the living organisms feel and  learn. This learning procedure to humans increases what we call spirit which defines a spiritual person. The spiritual person possesses two important things among others, knowledge and calmness. In human history the factor that was always most important was knowledge, the accumulating learning procedure and this is the meaning  of one human life, to learn. To be calm is the ultimate condition of existence, because you achieve the balance in life, almost everybody likes the calm weather and not the storm.

Provided that all living organisms are programmed to learn, it seems that planet Earth is an enormous school with different levels of learning and development, with on the top the humans. Humans have the qualification (brain), to pass faster all levels of learning which makes them the best candidates.
The learning of the spirit gives ground to one other important state of being, the Soul. As soul we define the total spiritual existence of an individual, feelings, conscience, spirit.
If there are enormous amounts of souls that have to be developed in the universe, then places like Earth are ideal for this procedure.

Our universe is full of countless frequencies, of which we know very few functions. We don’t know what type of life forms could exist with these frequencies, so this field is open for investigation. What we know so far, is that life exists in Terahertz frequency, we can transmit our civilization in certain frequencies and we can use and  study others.
Humans not only are the best candidates for learning, they also have the qualifications for one more important role, to spread the life to other planets, creating in this way more schools.

In that way we can understand why the Creator created  the DNA and the humans.

Κυριακή 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Is the big bang and the expansion theory of the universe a wrong interpretation of the Redshift - Doppler effect?

Maybe our assumption of the expanding of the universe can be a mistaken interpretation of the Redshift - Doppler effect.

The fact of "swallowing" a dwarf galaxy by another galaxy or galaxies, could be proof that our universe is not expanding, but somehow this procedure stopped so such an event could occur.

The Redshift - Doppler effect (a longer light wavelength gives us the red color and so the longer distance evidence) which is detected by our radio telescopes, is probably interpreted mistakenly giving us the impression that our universe is expanding all the time and even accelerates during the time.

What we probably see in reality, as Redshift - Doppler effect, is the luminous fading of stars and galaxies that naturally happens from the beginning of their formation, in combination with the thousands, millions and billions light years of their distance, plus the interstellar matter and energy that absorbs their radiation between them and us.

For example, if we see the rising and the setting of the sun we see a red glow, this does not mean that the sun is moving away, but that the light is fading.

So, if the universe is not expanding then we have to reconsider the big bang theory, the dark matter and the dark energy, it could be that the universe interacts all the time, which looks and sounds more in balance.

Κυριακή 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

The Creator of the DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development, function, and procreation of living organisms on planet Earth.
We have checked the rule of logic which states:“an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”, which conclusion also states that there is a creator of the DNA.

The DNA is one (1) unique intelligent biological material, which by increasing or decreasing itself creates the genetic material of all living organisms, or millions of different species.

There are not more biological materials known on planet Earth.

The following NOTES are to find what type of creator it could be.

Our knowledge of religion from different areas of our planet indicates that there are one or few creators.

For example the oldest religion on Earth is considered Hinduism which has on the top 3 Gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. 3 Creators.

In Tao there are also the Three Pure Ones, they are often depicted as throned elders.
Yuanshi Tianzun, Yu-Qing, Lingbao Tianzun. 3 Creators.

In Egypt the male creator was Nu and he represented the waters of chaos. 1 Creator.

In Sumerian the creator was Nammu, the Goddess of the sea.  1 Creator.

In Greek mythology there was  first Chaos and then Gaia, the creators. 2 Creators.

In the bible there is one  God, but in the creation there is the enigma when it refers to: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. 1 Creator.

Our scientific discoveries in physics indicates that there is the Chaos and the Big Bang. 2 Creators. It is very interesting to see the similarities with the Greek version of  Chaos and Gaia.

From the test of the rule of logic there are four (4) steps, which define what type the creator could be.

Step 1
The intelligent creator of the DNA, can be only one creator if the universe is one being. The universe is a self-sustaining system, the same is the creator.
Step 2
The universe is infinite, therefore there are infinite creators. Apply this also to the Big Bang Theory.
Step 3
There is one creator or few creators which they created the universe, consequently the DNA. Who created the one creator or few creators follows step 2.
Step 4
1- Nature itself is the intelligent creator that created the smart DNA. Nature is part of the universe, the universe is a self-sustaining system, so is nature.
2- The probability that the nature is created by the universe created by the Big Bang follows step 2.

General Notes
From the NOTES 1 to 4, it shows that the creator(s) can be one (1) maximum three (3), which means the option in Step 2 is eliminated.

Step 3 it is also eliminated, because it is connected with the step 2.

The option 2- of Step 4, it is also eliminated because it is connected with step 2.

Step 1 and step 4 have similarities because both they agree the universe and nature are  self-sustaining system, and both they can be as one, consequently the creator of the DNA. Since nature and universe constantly interact they are the same, so the creator.

The DNA, our religions, our science, and our logic, indicates that there is ONE (1)  Creator, not more. The universe and the nature are one self-sustaining system and there is not a big bang.
The self-sustaining universe is the intelligent Creator of the intelligent DNA.

Σάββατο 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

DNA is the proof by itself

Note 1
Cause and effect is the Natural Law of the Universe.
Everything in our Universe has a logical explanation, from the formation of the Planets, the Solar systems to Galaxies. Any logical explanations that we do not have are because of our lack of knowledge.

Note 2
Humanity had always a strong guide to rely on and this was always the Logic. By following logic steps we are lead to secure and stable conclusions.

Let's try the following steps:

Step 1
Do you know something clever to be created by something not clever? The correct answer is No! Humans created civilization due to their intelligence which is an indicator of their cleverness.

Step 2
Is the DNA cleverConsidering ourselves clever because we can build and construct all kind of things, the DNA is clever because it constructs and builds complex life forms far beyond our understanding.

Step 3
Is the DNA a program? We can give it this property, because it can construct numerous life forms, considering that we also are programmed to eat, drink, procreate and we have the ability also to construct things due to DNA.

Step 4
Is the DNA a better builder and constructor than us? We can not separate DNA from us, since DNA created us and we can not construct the DNA, yet. We learn to modify it, but not to create it. Because our civilization is part of the DNA, this makes the DNA a better builder and constructor, since it can create also other life forms.

Step 5
Is the DNA more clever than us? Again, we can not separate DNA from us since DNA created us and also we are part of it. But if we see that DNA creates other life forms, which we can not do, then it makes it more clever.

Step 6
Is it possible that DNA is created by itself? If we take into consideration the above notes and steps, it is difficult to impossible to be created by itself. Additionally, there are scientific researches, that conclude that our theory of evolution is not so stable anymore.

Step 7
Is it possible for DNA to be created by something else? If we take into consideration  the above notes and steps, our logic indicates that there is a creator, probably a being, with extreme knowledge and age, which can create an advanced building material like the DNA.

DNA is the proof by itself, that it is an advanced biological building material, intelligent, able to create complex life forms, from trees, plants, insects, fishes, birds, animals, etc, and above all humans.
DNA and reality coincide and both they agree, that there it must be a Creator.
First because of the complexity of the life forms, which could not be explained by the biologists and second, DNA fulfills the rule of logic, who says, that “an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”.
Any logic path we take to find if this statement is correct, always points to the same conclusion, that “an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”.

Logic, it was, it is, and it will be the ultimate tool.

Σάββατο 19 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Ο 21ος θα είναι ο αιώνας της αναβάθμισης του ανθρώπινου είδους

Τα πράγματα είναι σχετικά απλά, οι άνθρωποι τα κάνουν πολύπλοκα εξαιτίας των φυσικών αγκυλώσεων που έχουν, είτε είναι φυλετικών, είτε, γλωσσικών, γεωπολιτικών, οικονομικών και ούτω καθ’ εξής. Γιατί απλά, πάντα οι άνθρωποι θα φοβούνται το διαφορετικό, το ισχυρότερο, το ξένο και πάντα θα είναι ανταγωνιστικοί. Είναι η φύση τους που κυριαρχεί και θα κυριαρχεί, γιατί η ανθρώπινη φύση έχει παραμείνει πρωτόγονη.

Λαμβάνοντας αυτόν τον καθοριστικό παράγοντα οι γεωπολιτικές εξελίξεις θα είναι πάντα ανάλογες των προαναφερθέντων. Έτσι ανεξάρτητα ποια χώρα θα είναι χρονολογικά σε ισχύ, πάντα θα υπάρχει κάποια άλλη η οποία θα την επιβουλεύεται έως ότου την αντικαταστήσει. Υπάρχει όμως σήμερα μια ειδοποιός διαφορά που κάνει τα πράγματα πολύπλοκα έως επικίνδυνα. Τα οπλικά συστήματα που έχουν αναπτύξει όλες οι υπερδυνάμεις και αυτές που ευελπιστούν να γίνουν, είναι άξια να καταστρέψουν κυριολεκτικά την ανθρωπότητα στο σύνολο και να επιφέρουν τεράστιες καταστροφές στο φυσικό περιβάλλον. Όλοι και όλες πλέον γνωρίζουν τις επιπτώσεις ενός πυρηνικού πολέμου.

Δεν είναι όμως μόνο τα πυρηνικά όπλα, είναι και τα βιολογικά, ιδιαιτέρα τα γεννητικά που θα στοχεύουν το DNA του εχθρού αντιπάλου, τα οποία εάν απελευθερωθούν στο φυσικό περιβάλλον, τότε όχι μόνο το ανθρώπινο είδος στο σύνολο θα είναι σίγουρο προς εξαφάνιση, αλλά και όλες οι άλλες αθώες βιολογικές υπάρξεις του πλανήτη μας. Σε αυτό το καθοριστικό σημείο προ νοώντας τις ταχύτατες αρνητικές εξελίξεις εξαιτίας της ραγδαίας ανόδου της τεχνολογίας μας, ο Δημιουργός μας αυτός που αποκαλούμε Θεός, έκανε κάποιες ουσιώδης παρεμβάσεις στην εξέλιξή μας, ώστε να προετοιμαστούμε στην καινούργια αναβάθμιση της ανθρωπότητας που θα την κάνουν να ξεπεράσει όλες τις δυσλειτουργίες, ατέλειες και αγκυλώσεις που την κρατούσαν για χιλιάδες χρόνια έως σήμερα.

Η πρώτη μεγάλη παρέμβαση έγινε με την αποστολή του ανθρωπιστή, ιδιοφυή, επιστήμονα και μετριόφρων ανθρώπου, που στην κυριολεξία έδωσε τα φώτα στην ανθρωπότητα ως νέος Προμηθέας και στο τέλος πέθανε εγκαταλειμμένος στην απαξίωση, μόνος σε ένα δωμάτιο ξενοδοχείου. Ο άνθρωπος που άλλαξε την ροή της τεχνολογικής ανθρωπότητας, ο μεγάλος εφευρέτης Νικόλα Τέσλα ή Θεσσαλός. Οι επόμενες μεγάλες παρεμβάσεις του Δημιουργού είναι οι υπολογιστές και η ανακάλυψη του DNA που είναι και το αποτύπωμά του. Το DNA έδωσε ώθηση στην γενετική και οι υπολογιστές στην ρομποτική, όπου φτάνουμε στην μεγαλύτερη παρέμβαση που θα κάνει ο Δημιουργός στο ανθρώπινο είδος, δηλαδή την ταχεία αναβάθμιση. Για όσους και όσες δεν καταλαβαίνουν τι εννοώ, ας ψάξουν τον οργανισμό που έχει δημιουργήσει ο Elon Musk, τον Neurolink, όπου σε συνεντεύξεις του αναφέρει, εφόσον δεν μπορείς να νικήσεις τον εχθρό σου ενώσου μαζί του, απευθυνόμενος στην ταχύτατη εξέλιξη της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης και Ρομποτικής.

Τώρα γι’ αυτούς και αυτές που αμφισβητούν την ύπαρξη του Δημιουργού – Θεού, ας ερευνήσουν το DNA και τις τελευταίες ανακαλύψεις, όπου η επιστήμη της Βιολογίας τον αμφισβήτησε με την θεωρία εξέλιξης των ειδών του Δαρβίνου και τώρα η ίδια αμφισβητεί την θεωρία της εξέλιξης των ειδών με τρανταχτά στοιχεία, δίνοντας άμεσα και έμμεσα χώρο στην επαναφορά της ιδέας του Δημιουργού – Θεού. Πλέον είναι ευθύνη όλων και του καθενός ξεχωριστά η επιλογή της κατεύθυνσης που θα επιλέξουμε.

Ο Δημιουργός μας πάντως έχει πάρει τις αποφάσεις του, εάν θα συνεχίσει μαζί μας και σε ποιο επίπεδο, δίνοντάς μας ακόμη το περιθώριο της επιλογής. Για πόσο και μέχρι πιο σημείο, αναμένεται να το δούμε, πιθανώς ίσως και όχι.  

Κυριακή 13 Ιανουαρίου 2019

From the God Sun to Christianity

Our Creator, judging our evolutionary level, gives us the necessary directions for our better evolution.

The greatest civilization was the Egyptian, a specimen of masterpieces with the pyramids as a peak.

The main religion was the worship of the living star's Sun, which without this, life on our planet would not exist.

It was inevitable at some point that the deification of the Sun would collapse, because it would be known that the Sun is not a sulfuric existence but another huge magnificent star.

The greatest celebration of the Sun was on December 25 (with our own modern data), because then and now, on this date, the cycle of the Sun in us in the northern hemisphere completes its cycle.

The Hebrew religion that is deeply Greek-like, since Genesis and Exodus are Greek words as well as Adam = Adamantas = Adamas and Eva = Evangelia = the one who cherishes the joy are Greek, hence the  protoplasts where also Greeks, raised the level of faith from star Creative Sun on the spiritual Creator God.

The Creator still makes a further step,  brings a man, a human being who is still elevating the level of faith and spirit to people, and brings together three tremendous qualities. Pay attention.

Father God.

The Son Christ, celebrates with his sulfuric attribute his birthday  on December 25th on Sun's day.

And the Holy Spirit, the Sun but with its sulfuric attribute "nothing crypt under the Sun", but also the enlightenment of man.

This is the Holy Trinity.

There is still an overrun, the Son Christ is the continuation of the Olympians; he is the great God  Zeus, who, instead of the 12th Gods, has the 12 Apostles who will convey his message of change to mankind and the new spiritual transition.

All the great Religions of the wider Mediterranean region have now found a great psychological and spiritual pillar to continue their evolutionary path, Christianity.

And our Creator constantly surprises us with the new directions he gives us, especially with the sciences, so that we can meet him at some point.

DNA the fingerprint of the Creator

For centuries, man believed enchanted by the beauty of nature, but at the same time, fearing her anger, due to the various natural phenomena that appeared, to gods and deities.

Behavior is perfectly normal given his perceptual simplicity because of his minimal and incomplete knowledge.

He delighted every version of Nature, from the mountains, the lakes, the sea, the animals, all its elements, to the invisible and inexplicable powers.

In his evolutionary course with a weapon of information and knowledge, he made all of his cognitive excesses and managed to defeat many of his natural fears and gradually explain parts of his natural world.

The biggest question that has always been tormented by him was the mystery of life, whose explanation oscillated between religion and science.

This changed in favor of science when Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin in 1859 published the book "About the Origin of Species through Natural Selection," which radically changed the beliefs of people and especially of scientists, since they had discovered and explained other aspects of their natural world.

Ten years later in 1869, the Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher discovered what we call today DNA and in 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson the double  propeller and its construction.

This breakthrough was the springboard for new discoveries in the field of biology and medicine where, with the help of computers, in 2011 they came to the complete recording of the human genome, which opened up a new cycle of discoveries and interventions in the genetic code of people, and new  horizons in the science of genetics.

In 1972, one of the two DNA scientists Francis Crick makes the presentation of the advanced theory of evolution of life describing it:

Directed panspermia


At insertion this placement occurs:

As an alternative to these nineteenth century mechanisms, we have considered Directed Panspermia, the theory that organisms were deliberately transmitted to the earth by intelligent beings on another planet.

When a Nobel Prize-winning scientist of this caliber formulates this theory by implying extraterrestrials, Francis Crick certainly knows more.

DNA could be described in computer language as a highly sophisticated software that has the ability to modify genetic material.

Advanced genetic material modification software requires a sophisticated manufacturer of this software.

With today's science and technology, the sophisticated genetic material modification software manufacturer will be, or a superior form of being or extraterrestrial.

If we consider that amoebae containing the largest genome that reaches 100 times more than people, that it is billions of years old, and that what we call evolution in life is a simple mutation, then it goes beyond our imagination, the notion of the creator .

Once again, religion and science are lost in their everyday simplistic existence.


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