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Παρασκευή 5 Ιουλίου 2019

The fingerprint of the Creator, the DNA, is intelligent

Credit: eng-cs.syr.edu-Intelligence.

Very important: 
A) Pay attention, 100% of your body is product of the DNA, this tells you, “You are the DNA or the DNA is You”.

B) Your awareness, with which you realize the world, is a small function of your DNA. 

First you must  understand what is intelligence, and what it means for humans.
Intelligence is to understand and use the information to interact with the natural environment, to survive, sustain and procreate.

To understand and use the information is the ability to learn.

To learn, needs  a language to explain the information.

To learn a language acquires  to know its letters and the meaning of words.

Once the information is understood, it needs to be organized, to be categorized according their meaning, so that it can  be used.

This organized information is knowledge.

With knowledge you can do things.

To do things it needs to have tools. Humans having a very advanced body, made by the DNA, are able to make things.

Having Knowledge and an advanced body, humans can make things according their knowledge.

Humans can learn continuously, by using their  intelligence and knowledge, which helps them to adapt better to their  natural environment, and beyond. 

The DNA is a biological material which evolves in its natural environment by adaptation.

Adaptation is to understand the information, from the natural environment, to adjust, so the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its natural environment. Adaptation requires intelligence to understand and proceed the information.

DNA learns by understanding the information of the natural environment  biochemically, which is its language. 

Once the information is understood, it needs biochemically to organize much information, to categorize it according its meaning, so that it can  be used. 

This organized information is knowledge.

Having knowledge of the organized information, the DNA gives the instructions (what to do and how to do), like a good engineer, to the next biological material which is made by itself, the RNA. 

The RNA having the instructions from its creator and engineer the DNA, like a good builder, starts to make proteins (the building material), to create/make and build  new living organisms.

How to make something, if you don’t know how to make it? Only if you know how to make things, you can make them. DNA knows how to make things, this is intelligence with knowledge.

This intelligent and complicated procedure which makes all Life on planet Earth, is the DNA > RNA > Proteins, it is called Evolution of Life, with Natural Selection, by adaptation, of the surviving of the fittest.  
It  is the evolution of the DNA in all life forms, (animals, plants, etc), which interacts with the Natural Environment. 

The rule of logic “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence”, also points, that the Creator of the intelligent DNA, is the super intelligent self-sustaining Universe, where everything exist, since Energy and Matter are interchangeable, and also Mass–Energy equivalence, Einstein's equation, E=mc2. 
Additionally, according to the first law of thermodynamics, the total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Energy can be transferred from place to place or transformed into different forms, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

Conclusion: The DNA is the intelligent Creator/Maker of every living organism on this planet, because it knows how to make, sustain and procreate Life.
Only intelligence is able to create intelligence. This rule of logic confirms that DNA is intelligent, since among other living organisms, makes/creates the intelligent human. So simple!

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