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Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2019

Why with our knowledge is it so difficult to understand the fingerprint of the Creator?

Hubble Space Telescope.

As an idea this is difficult to be accepted, something that I can understand, if we consider that science  has to prove that there is not a God/Creator.

Science serves the knowledge
On the contrary, the scientific evidence proves the opposite and most of all the DNA. The people  are not able to understand, that to make, and create something, it needs intelligence and this is not only  characteristic of an animal with a brain like the humans.
We create marvelous things, buildings, cars, airplanes, computers, etc, and we are not able to realize that we can create these things, thanks to our Creator, the DNA.

Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. These instructions are found inside every cell, and are passed down from parents to their children.

What instructions are:

Instructions are the organized information, which demands knowledge, and intelligence to proceed them.

How it happened?
The DNA decided according to our knowledge, to create one day the human, probably by mutating another creature.
The DNA gave him the ability to use a language to communicate, a thumb to do things and most importantly, the advanced brain to start making and creating.

We are the same
The other thing that confuses the people is that we don’t realize that DNA is not something different and outside, but totally ourselves.
When we study DNA, speak about DNA, we study and speak about us. Humans and all the other living organisms are different versions of the DNA, since all living organisms on the planet Earth share the same biological material, the DNA.

Shall we see what we define as intelligence? Intelligence is to understand the information and to interact with it. For living organisms the information is needed  for three principles, to survive, to sustain and to procreate safely. 
Humans have achieved these principles, they can use their intelligence to develop their environment and improve their living conditions. We achieved this thanks to the collected information, the Knowledge.
To understand the information and to interact with it is intelligence. 
Knowledge is the collection of information, which intelligence understands.

The greatest technological achievement of humanity is the Artificial Intelligence, a technology which helps us to develop more fast than ever. 
Artificial Intelligence has the ability to learn the information, to understand and to interact with it,  the same way we do.
So, Artificial Intelligence is created by us, with the intelligence and the knowledge we have. 
Think for one moment, what is more intelligent, the Artificial Intelligence or the humans that made it?
DNA also creates creatures, with the intelligence and the knowledge it has, by giving the instructions=Knowledge=Intelligence. How to make something if you don’t know how to make it?

And again ask yourself:
Do you know something else? Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.

Questions and Answers
OK, logic dictates that intelligence creates intelligence, from where then came the DNA?
One option is that it emerged somehow from the planet Earth. That means the planet is intelligent.
Second option is that it came from extraterrestrial source, which makes this source intelligent.
Both options and any other, have one origin, the Universe, which makes the Universe intelligent. 
For the question, can the Universe be intelligent by itself? The answer is yes, because it creates everything.
And who created the Universe? The most common and logical answer is, the universe is self-sustaining.
If we take the Big Bang Theory, then it is the will of the God/Creator.

The intelligent Universe for the theists is the God/Creator, what is it for the atheists?

Another question of the atheists is, why Life=DNA exist?  To this maybe the religions give the most satisfied answers, because they contain the most information we have. 

Conclusion: DNA is the fingerprint of the Creator-the intelligent Universe, because it is the only source we have, which connect us with it.

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1 σχόλιο:

  1. Interesting train of thought. It gave me a new direction of thinking about this difficult and often avoided topic. Thanks for that!



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