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Σάββατο 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Intelligence - Creation - Creator

This introduction is about how we understand and interact with our world.

Information of the world comes via our senses to our brain.
Our brain proceeds this information.
The ability to understand the information we call intelligence.
Intelligence organizes in order the information.
Feelings are the basic function of our brain, which helps us to survive, sustain and procreate, which is also part of the intelligence. 
Logic is also part of the intelligence, it helps us to analyze the information, which together with the feelings makes us to function better with our environment.
Feelings and Logic are inseparable from our brain where the balance between them, makes each person to function correct, to survive and to interact with its environment.
The amount of information we understand we call knowledge.
With our intelligence we categorize the information by thoughts.
Before the discovery of the languages people categorized and analyzed visual the information.
With the discovery of the languages, our thoughts are based on a language.
The language is organized by words.
The words have a specific meaning for each information.
Languages helped us to develop more fast, by understanding, categorizing, and analyzing more information which became knowledge.
Having more knowledge people become more intelligent, so they can interact better with their environment.
The way people use the knowledge determines how well they will survive. So, it is important to be in balance in their Feelings and their Logic.

The Subject
The law of conservation of energy and Logic, shows that intelligence always existed in this vast Universe! Follow the Logical steps.

The law of Logic dictates: “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence”.
The word – creation, means the transformation of the natural elements, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc, which with them a new form of objects appear, planets, mountains, clouds, plants, animals, buildings, cars, etc.
From them we call natural creation planets, mountains, clouds, plants, animals, where buildings, cars, AI (Artificial Intelligence), etc, intelligent creations since no one else on this planet except the humans can create them.
So, the law of Logic “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.”, is confirmed by us, because we know how to make them.
Next we will check if this law has a wider application.
The next most familiar field to check is Life, since we are part of it. Life in the past we didn’t know what it was,  only that it was a natural procedure. Today we know it is the outcome of the intelligent DNA. 
Why the DNA is intelligent. The DNA knows how and when to create organisms. It also knows how make the organisms to sustain and procreate themselves.  Do we know precisely the procedure of healing our body after a scratch? No, the DNA though knows  precisely how to fix it!
What makes the DNA intelligent?
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique.
Instructions are organized information with which we can make things, buildings, cars, Artificial Intelligence, etc. The DNA contains the  biological instructions, with which it creates millions of different organisms.
To give instructions one must have knowledge.
Knowledge is organized information.
Organized information requires intelligence.
So the DNA is intelligent and confirms the law of Logic which states  “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.”
This clarifies step 1, because if the step 1 is not understood, it is not possible to go to step 2.

Step 2
Everything in our world, including our intelligence, comes directly and indirectly from the Universe.
It is shown in step1, that the law, “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence.”, it is correct,  so Life is an intelligent procedure, from DNA to humans and their intelligent creations.
The intelligent DNA which creates intelligent humans, according to the law of Logic, must be created by something intelligent.
What options do we have:
A- The intelligent DNA emerged naturally from the Earth. This makes the planet Earth intelligent.
B- It comes from a meteorite.
Ba- Send from an advanced alien civilizations, Francis Crick and L.E. Orgel published a paper in Icarus journal, in 1973, in which they called it Directed Panspermia. 
C- It is made from an alien civilization that visited the Earth millions years ago.
D- The planet Earth, and any other intelligent civilization, is part of the same Universe.

 So, the Universe is the indisputable Creator of everything including the intelligence, since everything comes from the Universe.
Again, The law of Logic dictates: “Only intelligence is able to create intelligence” Consequently, the Universe is our intelligent Creator or the Creator of intelligence.

Step 3
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. 
That means that the Universe which is the  intelligent Creator or Creator of the intelligence, always existed, because it is self-sustaining!

Step 4
The law of conservation of energy and Logic, shows that the self-sustaining Intelligent Universe is our Creator, and shows that intelligence always existed in this vast and self-sustaining Universe!

Conclusion: Intelligence - Creation  - Creator, are the same thing, since all of them are inseparable and have their origin in the self-sustaining Universe!

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