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Παρασκευή 31 Μαΐου 2019

Scientific Method – Experiment

1- A subject, an idea or whatever.
2- Observation.
3- Questions and collecting information over the observation of the subject.
4- Make hypothesis over the observation and the collecting information.
5- Test the hypothesis to check if it is correct.
6- Repeat the testing hypothesis several times to verify the same results.
7- Check if related subjects have the same results.
8- If the initial subject results do not coincide with the related subjects, there are two possibilities.
A- The subjects are not related.
B- The results are not correct either from the initial subject or the related subjects.
9- If the results from the initial subject are coincide with the results of the related subjects, then the experiment is correct.
10- By following the previous steps you can have a secure and stable conclusion.

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