Is the logic the ultimate tool to trust?
Then why not to trust our logic?
1. Deductive reasoning - Syllogisms
Logical reasoning: Intelligent creatures can create intelligent creations.
Logical statements - premises:
1. The DNA creates humans because it is an intelligent biological material programmed to do this work. (First premise)
2. Humans create things because, humans are intelligent. (Second premise)
Every intelligent creature can create intelligent things.(Conclusion)
2. Deductive reasoning - Syllogisms
Logical reasoning: Intelligent creations are created by something intelligent.
Logical statements – premises:
1. Intelligent computers are created by intelligent humans. (First premise)
2. Intelligent humans are created by the intelligent DNA. (Second premise)
Every intelligent creation is created by something intelligent. (Conclusion)
From deductive reasoning - Syllogisms 1 and 2, there are the conclusions:
1. DNA fulfills the rule of logic, who says, that“an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”.
2. DNA demands a creator.
If we can not prove the above deductive reasoning – Syllogisms and their conclusions are wrong, then they are correct. Rule of Logic.
Next step is to find what it is the intelligent creator of the DNA.
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