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Κυριακή 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

The Creator of the DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development, function, and procreation of living organisms on planet Earth.
We have checked the rule of logic which states:“an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”, which conclusion also states that there is a creator of the DNA.

The DNA is one (1) unique intelligent biological material, which by increasing or decreasing itself creates the genetic material of all living organisms, or millions of different species.

There are not more biological materials known on planet Earth.

The following NOTES are to find what type of creator it could be.

Our knowledge of religion from different areas of our planet indicates that there are one or few creators.

For example the oldest religion on Earth is considered Hinduism which has on the top 3 Gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. 3 Creators.

In Tao there are also the Three Pure Ones, they are often depicted as throned elders.
Yuanshi Tianzun, Yu-Qing, Lingbao Tianzun. 3 Creators.

In Egypt the male creator was Nu and he represented the waters of chaos. 1 Creator.

In Sumerian the creator was Nammu, the Goddess of the sea.  1 Creator.

In Greek mythology there was  first Chaos and then Gaia, the creators. 2 Creators.

In the bible there is one  God, but in the creation there is the enigma when it refers to: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. 1 Creator.

Our scientific discoveries in physics indicates that there is the Chaos and the Big Bang. 2 Creators. It is very interesting to see the similarities with the Greek version of  Chaos and Gaia.

From the test of the rule of logic there are four (4) steps, which define what type the creator could be.

Step 1
The intelligent creator of the DNA, can be only one creator if the universe is one being. The universe is a self-sustaining system, the same is the creator.
Step 2
The universe is infinite, therefore there are infinite creators. Apply this also to the Big Bang Theory.
Step 3
There is one creator or few creators which they created the universe, consequently the DNA. Who created the one creator or few creators follows step 2.
Step 4
1- Nature itself is the intelligent creator that created the smart DNA. Nature is part of the universe, the universe is a self-sustaining system, so is nature.
2- The probability that the nature is created by the universe created by the Big Bang follows step 2.

General Notes
From the NOTES 1 to 4, it shows that the creator(s) can be one (1) maximum three (3), which means the option in Step 2 is eliminated.

Step 3 it is also eliminated, because it is connected with the step 2.

The option 2- of Step 4, it is also eliminated because it is connected with step 2.

Step 1 and step 4 have similarities because both they agree the universe and nature are  self-sustaining system, and both they can be as one, consequently the creator of the DNA. Since nature and universe constantly interact they are the same, so the creator.

The DNA, our religions, our science, and our logic, indicates that there is ONE (1)  Creator, not more. The universe and the nature are one self-sustaining system and there is not a big bang.
The self-sustaining universe is the intelligent Creator of the intelligent DNA.

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