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Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2019

The Universe

The universe combines that what we know and what we don't know. Once the Earth was considered to be the center of the universe, today we don't know the center of the universe.

My position below is based on scientific evidence but I will express my own theory of the existence and preservation of the universe.
I'll start from the biggest to the smallest.

The largest structure known to us is the Superclusters.
These contain clusters of galaxies.
These again contain galaxies like our own the Milky Way.
Galaxies like ours contain solar systems like ours, with their planets.
All planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and Superclusters are made up of Atoms.
This is the general structure of the universe visible to us.

This is where my theory begins.

The universe is thought to have been created by the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago. In my opinion this theory is incorrect because it wrongly interpreters the Redshift phenomenon.
Also, the Redshift phenomenon is incorrectly used to explain the continuous expansion of the universe, which contrasts with the collision of galaxies.
Astrophysics tries to justify this contrast with other theories, such as dark energy and dark matter, which are unproven theories.

My theory is based upon the following.

The universe exists and will always exist because it has always been existed. The law of conservation of energy, the first law of thermodynamics, stipulates that "Energy can change from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed."
The basic principle of energy conservation applies everywhere in the universe. It applies to the macrocosm, where bodies move, exert forces and change positions and composition. It also applies to the microcosm, where particles are constantly moving and forming larger particles due to the forces exerted on each other. The energy of the universe, remains constant. It's just changing forms, constantly changing our world.

My theory

How then are the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the galaxy clusters and the Superclusters created?

The universe is a vast ocean of energy, unknown is how it creates huge predetermined electromagnetic vortexes.
These electromagnetic vortexes (such as cyclones on our planet), accumulate atoms, creating Superclusters, clusters of galaxies, galaxies, solar systems, and planets.
The energy of these energy vortexes is enormous and so powerful that, overall, their equilibrium and stability is not disturbed by the force of gravity, which is also based on energy vortexes. 
These energy vortexes are predetermined by the strong electromagnetic fields, in their position, so that planets in solar systems like ours does not collide with each other by centrifugal or traverse gravitational forces.

A vast ocean of energy from what?

The universe is a vast ocean of energy from Atoms. Atoms are supposed to consist of electrons, protons, and neutrons, which are made up of smaller particles, quarks, neutrons and gluons.

My point and my theory is that there are no electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, and gluons or anything else. There are just Atoms.
We don't know what atoms really are, because we could never actually see a single atom, but only one molecule (that is, many assembled atoms), with hydrogen being the first most well-known.

We cannot see atoms individually because that is practically impossible, because the observation instruments that we have are also made by atoms. That is, how to separate the atoms which contain the microscope from the atom in the air, from the atom of the observed object on the observation bench, which also consists of atoms?

What we can observe are the expressions of the atoms which create different kinds of energy and matter depending on the circumstances. In our known world, it creates the known elements of the periodic table of chemistry by changing its composition, form and shape, having electrically conductive or non-conductive properties, and what other we are aware of.

On the other hand atoms are light, X-rays and all the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Essentially the atom covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum of energy, that is, the entire visible and invisible world of existence, because the atom is energy and matter together.

So our planet, its satellite the Moon, the Sun and all the other planets are made of atoms. The Sun having the largest gravitational energy of all the vortexes, forces all other planets to rotate around it. The solar system, in turn, is in harmony with the other vortexes of energy, which form other solar systems, in our galaxy and our galaxy is in harmony with the vortexes of other galaxies, the clusters of galaxies, and finally the Superclusters.

The universe is a harmonious  coexistence of energy and matter of the different configuration of atoms, it has always existed, as is described by the law of conservation of energy.
So, the universe is a vast ocean of energy of atoms that creates powerful electromagnetic fields forming vortexes, which in turn create galaxies, stars, planets and all other astrophysical shapes and phenomena.

An example, if you were a planet that you could not see what is on Earth, you would see a blue ball going left to right or spinning.
If you were a germ in the human body you could not see the man driving a car at the moment and hosting you in his body.
The planet, the germ, and the man are all made up of atoms, created by the law of gravity initially and the other laws that we know or think we know so far.
This process of transforming energy into matter is the condensation of matter through the vortex.

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