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Σάββατο 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

DNA is the proof by itself

Note 1
Cause and effect is the Natural Law of the Universe.
Everything in our Universe has a logical explanation, from the formation of the Planets, the Solar systems to Galaxies. Any logical explanations that we do not have are because of our lack of knowledge.

Note 2
Humanity had always a strong guide to rely on and this was always the Logic. By following logic steps we are lead to secure and stable conclusions.

Let's try the following steps:

Step 1
Do you know something clever to be created by something not clever? The correct answer is No! Humans created civilization due to their intelligence which is an indicator of their cleverness.

Step 2
Is the DNA cleverConsidering ourselves clever because we can build and construct all kind of things, the DNA is clever because it constructs and builds complex life forms far beyond our understanding.

Step 3
Is the DNA a program? We can give it this property, because it can construct numerous life forms, considering that we also are programmed to eat, drink, procreate and we have the ability also to construct things due to DNA.

Step 4
Is the DNA a better builder and constructor than us? We can not separate DNA from us, since DNA created us and we can not construct the DNA, yet. We learn to modify it, but not to create it. Because our civilization is part of the DNA, this makes the DNA a better builder and constructor, since it can create also other life forms.

Step 5
Is the DNA more clever than us? Again, we can not separate DNA from us since DNA created us and also we are part of it. But if we see that DNA creates other life forms, which we can not do, then it makes it more clever.

Step 6
Is it possible that DNA is created by itself? If we take into consideration the above notes and steps, it is difficult to impossible to be created by itself. Additionally, there are scientific researches, that conclude that our theory of evolution is not so stable anymore.

Step 7
Is it possible for DNA to be created by something else? If we take into consideration  the above notes and steps, our logic indicates that there is a creator, probably a being, with extreme knowledge and age, which can create an advanced building material like the DNA.

DNA is the proof by itself, that it is an advanced biological building material, intelligent, able to create complex life forms, from trees, plants, insects, fishes, birds, animals, etc, and above all humans.
DNA and reality coincide and both they agree, that there it must be a Creator.
First because of the complexity of the life forms, which could not be explained by the biologists and second, DNA fulfills the rule of logic, who says, that “an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”.
Any logic path we take to find if this statement is correct, always points to the same conclusion, that “an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”.

Logic, it was, it is, and it will be the ultimate tool.

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