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Κυριακή 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Is the big bang and the expansion theory of the universe a wrong interpretation of the Redshift - Doppler effect?

Maybe our assumption of the expanding of the universe can be a mistaken interpretation of the Redshift - Doppler effect.

The fact of "swallowing" a dwarf galaxy by another galaxy or galaxies, could be proof that our universe is not expanding, but somehow this procedure stopped so such an event could occur.

The Redshift - Doppler effect (a longer light wavelength gives us the red color and so the longer distance evidence) which is detected by our radio telescopes, is probably interpreted mistakenly giving us the impression that our universe is expanding all the time and even accelerates during the time.

What we probably see in reality, as Redshift - Doppler effect, is the luminous fading of stars and galaxies that naturally happens from the beginning of their formation, in combination with the thousands, millions and billions light years of their distance, plus the interstellar matter and energy that absorbs their radiation between them and us.

For example, if we see the rising and the setting of the sun we see a red glow, this does not mean that the sun is moving away, but that the light is fading.

So, if the universe is not expanding then we have to reconsider the big bang theory, the dark matter and the dark energy, it could be that the universe interacts all the time, which looks and sounds more in balance.

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