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Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Why the Creator created Life

The point is to understand why the Creator created  the DNA and us. The DNA is a super intelligent biological material, programmed to create, preserve and procreate life forms.

All life forms have a type of awareness of their natural environment, so they can interact with it, in order to survive and procreate. New studies have proven that plants for example feel, they communicate with their own kind and react with each other for better conditions of surviving. So they accumulate a type of knowledge, to adapt with their natural environment. All this knowledge about plants was unknown to us, but with special cameras and electronic devices we manage to understand more things.
What the plants do is the learning procedure which is the central point of all living organisms. Humans do the same, we learn  through the experience, the school, etc.

What is the meaning of learning?
First of all to have better living conditions, food, water, shelter, etc. When we achieve the basic things then we have time to think about almost everything, because we are programmed to learn, everything that is connected with us, the nature and the universe.

The more we learn about the nature which is the nearest to us, the more we feel the connection with it, and the more we respect and understand it. Learning and understanding is the bond with our environment. For example the discovery of the DNA proves what the Hindu philosophy or religion teaches, that all creatures are relatives.

So far what we know. All the living organisms feel and  learn. This learning procedure to humans increases what we call spirit which defines a spiritual person. The spiritual person possesses two important things among others, knowledge and calmness. In human history the factor that was always most important was knowledge, the accumulating learning procedure and this is the meaning  of one human life, to learn. To be calm is the ultimate condition of existence, because you achieve the balance in life, almost everybody likes the calm weather and not the storm.

Provided that all living organisms are programmed to learn, it seems that planet Earth is an enormous school with different levels of learning and development, with on the top the humans. Humans have the qualification (brain), to pass faster all levels of learning which makes them the best candidates.
The learning of the spirit gives ground to one other important state of being, the Soul. As soul we define the total spiritual existence of an individual, feelings, conscience, spirit.
If there are enormous amounts of souls that have to be developed in the universe, then places like Earth are ideal for this procedure.

Our universe is full of countless frequencies, of which we know very few functions. We don’t know what type of life forms could exist with these frequencies, so this field is open for investigation. What we know so far, is that life exists in Terahertz frequency, we can transmit our civilization in certain frequencies and we can use and  study others.
Humans not only are the best candidates for learning, they also have the qualifications for one more important role, to spread the life to other planets, creating in this way more schools.

In that way we can understand why the Creator created  the DNA and the humans.

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