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Κυριακή 13 Ιανουαρίου 2019

DNA the fingerprint of the Creator

For centuries, man believed enchanted by the beauty of nature, but at the same time, fearing her anger, due to the various natural phenomena that appeared, to gods and deities.

Behavior is perfectly normal given his perceptual simplicity because of his minimal and incomplete knowledge.

He delighted every version of Nature, from the mountains, the lakes, the sea, the animals, all its elements, to the invisible and inexplicable powers.

In his evolutionary course with a weapon of information and knowledge, he made all of his cognitive excesses and managed to defeat many of his natural fears and gradually explain parts of his natural world.

The biggest question that has always been tormented by him was the mystery of life, whose explanation oscillated between religion and science.

This changed in favor of science when Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin in 1859 published the book "About the Origin of Species through Natural Selection," which radically changed the beliefs of people and especially of scientists, since they had discovered and explained other aspects of their natural world.

Ten years later in 1869, the Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher discovered what we call today DNA and in 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson the double  propeller and its construction.

This breakthrough was the springboard for new discoveries in the field of biology and medicine where, with the help of computers, in 2011 they came to the complete recording of the human genome, which opened up a new cycle of discoveries and interventions in the genetic code of people, and new  horizons in the science of genetics.

In 1972, one of the two DNA scientists Francis Crick makes the presentation of the advanced theory of evolution of life describing it:

Directed panspermia


At insertion this placement occurs:

As an alternative to these nineteenth century mechanisms, we have considered Directed Panspermia, the theory that organisms were deliberately transmitted to the earth by intelligent beings on another planet.

When a Nobel Prize-winning scientist of this caliber formulates this theory by implying extraterrestrials, Francis Crick certainly knows more.

DNA could be described in computer language as a highly sophisticated software that has the ability to modify genetic material.

Advanced genetic material modification software requires a sophisticated manufacturer of this software.

With today's science and technology, the sophisticated genetic material modification software manufacturer will be, or a superior form of being or extraterrestrial.

If we consider that amoebae containing the largest genome that reaches 100 times more than people, that it is billions of years old, and that what we call evolution in life is a simple mutation, then it goes beyond our imagination, the notion of the creator .

Once again, religion and science are lost in their everyday simplistic existence.

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