The universe combines that what we know and what we don't know. Once the Earth was considered to be the center of the universe, today we don't know the center of the universe.
My position below is based on scientific evidence but I will express my own theory of the existence and preservation of the universe.
I'll start from the biggest to the smallest.
The largest structure known to us is the Superclusters.
Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2019
Το Σύμπαν
Το σύμπαν είναι ότι γνωρίζουμε και ότι δεν είναι ακόμα γνωστό σε εμάς. Κάποτε η Γη θεωρείτο το κέντρο του σύμπαντος σήμερα το κέντρο του σύμπαντος δεν το γνωρίζουμε.
Η παρακάτω τοποθέτησή μου, είναι βασισμένη σε επιστημονικά στοιχεία αλλά θα εκφράσει μια δική μου θεωρία για την ύπαρξη και διατήρηση του σύμπαντος.
Θα ξεκινήσω από το πιο μεγάλο προς το πιο μικρό.
Η πιο μεγάλη σε μέγεθος...
Σάββατο 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019
Intelligence - Creation - Creator
This introduction is about how we understand and interact with our world.
Information of the world comes via our senses to our brain.
Our brain proceeds this information.
The ability to understand the information we call intelligence.
Intelligence organizes in order the information.
Feelings are the basic function of our brain, which helps us to survive, sustain and procreate, which is also part...
Παρασκευή 5 Ιουλίου 2019
The fingerprint of the Creator, the DNA, is intelligent

Very important:
A) Pay attention, 100% of your body is product of the DNA, this tells you, “You are the DNA or the DNA is You”.
B) Your awareness, with which you realize the world, is a small function of your DNA.
First you must understand...
Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2019
Why with our knowledge is it so difficult to understand the fingerprint of the Creator?

Hubble Space Telescope.
As an idea this is difficult to be accepted, something that I can understand, if we consider that science has to prove that there is not a God/Creator.
Science serves the knowledge
On the contrary, the scientific evidence proves the opposite and most of all the...
Δευτέρα 10 Ιουνίου 2019
The DNA and the Creator - God

This topic is made to explain in a very simple words what is DNA, what it does and how it is connected with the Creator or God.
First of All, when we talk about the DNA, we have to realize we talk about Life or when we are asked what is Life the answer is, Life is the DNA.
What is...
Παρασκευή 31 Μαΐου 2019
Scientific Method – Experiment
1- A subject, an idea or whatever.
2- Observation.
3- Questions and collecting information over the observation of the subject.
4- Make hypothesis over the observation and the collecting information.
5- Test the hypothesis to check if it is correct.
6- Repeat the testing hypothesis several times to verify the same results.
7- Check if related subjects have the same results.
8- If the initial...
Τρίτη 16 Απριλίου 2019
The main Ethos-Morality, “Don't do what you don't want to be done to you”.
This is a universal morality, violated by every life form and it is the basic reason of suffering and learning.
In Nature there is one law that prevails, your death is my life. Humans can break this suffering towards themselves and the other creatures if they will.
To break this painful law always demands a cost and you need a strong morality.
Humans are on the top of the life chain,...
Τρίτη 5 Μαρτίου 2019
Can there be life after death?
One thing we know for sure thanks to our technology, what we don’t see, hear, or feel it doesn’t mean that don’t exist. Your mobile phone all the pictures, video, music, communication comes with invisible waves, the electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves are defined according to our knowledge to different frequencies. Our brain also works in frequencies, studies have shown to function from...
Παρασκευή 1 Μαρτίου 2019
Deductive reasoning – Syllogisms, conclude that the DNA has an intelligent creator
Is the logic the ultimate tool to trust?
Then why not to trust our logic?
1. Deductive reasoning - Syllogisms
Logical reasoning: Intelligent creatures can create intelligent creations.
Logical statements - premises:
1. The DNA creates humans because it is an intelligent biological material programmed to do this work. (First premise)
2. Humans create things because, humans are intelligent. (Second...
Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Why the Creator created Life
The point is to understand why the Creator created the DNA and us. The DNA is a super intelligent biological material, programmed to create, preserve and procreate life forms.
All life forms have a type of awareness of their natural environment, so they can interact with it, in order to survive and procreate. New studies have proven that plants for example feel, they communicate with...
Κυριακή 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Is the big bang and the expansion theory of the universe a wrong interpretation of the Redshift - Doppler effect?
Maybe our assumption of the expanding of the universe can be a mistaken interpretation of the Redshift - Doppler effect.
The fact of "swallowing" a dwarf galaxy by another galaxy or galaxies, could be proof that our universe is not expanding, but somehow this procedure stopped so such an event could occur.
The Redshift - Doppler effect (a longer light wavelength gives us the red color and...
Κυριακή 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
The Creator of the DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development, function, and procreation of living organisms on planet Earth.
We have checked the rule of logic which states:“an intelligent creation demands an intelligent creator”, which conclusion also states that there is a creator of the DNA.
The DNA is one (1) unique intelligent biological...
Σάββατο 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
DNA is the proof by itself
and effect is the Natural Law of the Universe.
in our Universe has a logical explanation, from the formation of the
Planets, the Solar systems to Galaxies. Any logical explanations that we
do not have are because of our lack of knowledge.
had always a strong guide to rely on and this was always the Logic.
By following logic steps we are lead to secure...
Σάββατο 19 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Ο 21ος θα είναι ο αιώνας της αναβάθμισης του ανθρώπινου είδους
Τα πράγματα είναι σχετικά απλά, οι άνθρωποι τα κάνουν πολύπλοκα εξαιτίας των φυσικών αγκυλώσεων που έχουν, είτε είναι φυλετικών, είτε, γλωσσικών, γεωπολιτικών, οικονομικών και ούτω καθ’ εξής. Γιατί απλά, πάντα οι άνθρωποι θα φοβούνται το διαφορετικό, το ισχυρότερο, το ξένο και πάντα θα είναι ανταγωνιστικοί. Είναι η φύση τους που κυριαρχεί και θα κυριαρχεί, γιατί η ανθρώπινη φύση έχει παραμείνει πρωτόγονη.
Κυριακή 13 Ιανουαρίου 2019
From the God Sun to Christianity
Our Creator, judging our evolutionary level, gives us the necessary directions for our better evolution.
The greatest civilization was the Egyptian, a specimen of masterpieces with the pyramids as a peak.
The main religion was the worship of the living star's Sun, which without this, life on our planet would not exist.
It was inevitable at some point that the deification of the Sun would collapse,...
DNA the fingerprint of the Creator
For centuries, man believed enchanted by the beauty of nature, but at the same time, fearing her anger, due to the various natural phenomena that appeared, to gods and deities.
Behavior is perfectly normal given his perceptual simplicity because of his minimal and incomplete knowledge.
He delighted every version of Nature, from the mountains, the lakes, the sea, the animals, all its elements, to...