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Τετάρτη 21 Ιουνίου 2017

Economy is the tool of Human Development

But above economy and many other human principles, is Justice. Justice is one of the most important human's principle and virtue of its civilization. Justice is the bond to keep the society in order, in peace and prosperity.

The below rules and measures are to serve the society's economy and not against it.

Economy as the tool of human development must comply certain rules, where their aim is to make economy sustainable, flexible, practical, and acceptable from all individuals and their societies.

Economy's motivation for our development is the profit where it is our major target. Profit now days means money and this is our target.

One of economy's malfunction is the greediness where it is precisely not economy's mistake but ours. Greediness is an human attitude that at the end leads to conflicts and disorder.

For many reasons and mainly because of the human greediness the State is the organization who has to set rules for all the functions of the country and especially the economy.
The State is the factor that warranty the smooth function and balance of the members of its society.

There are three basic rules each Society and State must have and ninth additional

1- The fist rule to keep the economy sustainable is to apply a certain basic income for all members of the society. This income can be enough for food, roof (shared together with other people as motivation pressure of individual freedom), cost of basic bills (energy, internet, telephone), necessary clothes.
The basic income is important factor to keep the economy to function on some level and also the society to keep calm, peaceful, and prosperous.
The basic income has the advance that regulate and circulates the society's economy.
The basic income should not be related to any form of government work because it will conflict with private work, which is the objective.

2- The second rule is to provide a basic health to all members of the society. This can be by supplying financial resources to the State and private sector infrastructures aiming to health aid.
Health is the most basic element after food, where gives the society the sense of security. By keeping healthy all members of the society can have the best results as State and as privet sector.
A universal health card to each citizen can be a flexible tool. With this card the citizen can visit public clinics and hospitals or clinics and hospitals of the privet sector according his health card properties.

3- The third rule is to provide an efficient education. By the term efficient means that the members of the society when are finish the basic education period, they know how to behave socially, how to function in the society (having knowledge skills to new technologies, basic knowledge to obligations and rights as individual).
Education is the most important supply to any human society and it shows the level of the development of each society.

The above three basic rules can keep any society sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous.

The additional ninth important rules of the State

Having the society establish a certain economical level of prosperity can put efforts to next target where it is the development of the country.

This is very crucial decision how the society wants to work. Our history has proved that the best way to develop our country is via the privet sector.
US was the most successful example of our recent history not perfect but better than everywhere else.

The privet sector is the force of the individuals the cell of each society. If the individuals do not have motive to the profit and to earn money, then there is not motivation to do anything which will benefit first themselves and finally the society that will profit from their actions.
To accomplish this the worker has to be connected with the profit. This is the ultimate motive to each person, the person works more, produce more and gets more money. The company makes more money and every body is happy the worker and the company.

This profitable function can not be achieved without the help of the State, where it sets the following rules.

4- The fourth rule is that the State has to provide the important infrastructures, roads, sea roads, trains, communication-internet, hospitals, schools and public buildings, where it can develop correct itself.

5- The fifth rule is to liberate the companies from the malfunction load of insurance. The companies they should not be busy with insurance but to be busy with their function, which is not other than business, or service,s or what ever other function have.
The companies they don't need to pay any money to the workers for insurance, this is what the State did by providing basic insurance with the 2nd basic rule. The workers they can have better level of insurance than the basic, by paying an extra amount of money from what they earn.
They work, they have more money than the basic income and better insurance, they do not work they do not have the extras.

6- The sixth rule is to connect the basic income 1st basic rule with the wages of the companies. The companies give only an extra amount above the basic income where this amount is in agreement with the worker. That means that the worker take always the basic income and gets the extra wage according the agreement with the company.

7- The seventh rule is connected with the 6th rule and the State has to apply Laws where the labor is more flexible. That means the contract of the worker with the company is free from time set. The worker don't need to worry if he loses the job, he will be at the street without protection thanks to 1st and 2nd basic rules, but to know if he lose the work, he will lose the level of prosperity has accomplish via his work. The companies are free to make contracts according their needs and to offer salaries and wages that can attract the workers.

8- The eighth rule that the State must apply are Taxes that are reasonable to make the economy flexible and operationally. The income tax, profit tax and the VAT tax must have a balance. A universal tax 10% of the income tax, profit tax and the VAT tax, will make the economy to thrive.

9- The ninth rule is the most controversial, but nowadays has the tendency to be applied. This is the Electronic Currency. With the electronic currency all the taxes can be paid at once. The moment there is a currency transaction, every tax can be payed instantly and automatically.
Electronic currency for the State and the society saves energy, and reduce corruption, bureaucracy, and criminality.
To apply electronic currency, the country has to work in the necessary infrastructures. It looks a huge cost but the result it has an immediate impact and it can be seen from the super function of the economy and society. Electronic Currency gives speed and minimize obstacles.

10- The tenth rule is the rule where not only the economy but the all society thrives. Electronic Governance is the future of each State, where all the bureaucracy services can applied electronically. It saves time, energy, and human resources for other useful functions of the society.

11- The eleventh rule is that Laws are simple, practical and functional. Laws that apply Justice to keep the economy in balance and the society in peace and prosperity. Simple  Laws to be understood by everybody, practical to have every day use, and functional to apply them easily with the minimum effort.

12- The twelve rule is Electronic Government, where all the functions of the government and provinces of the country can be seen by everyone at every time from the privet screen. Exception to this rule, only functions that are important for National Security and the Order of the State can be excluded.
With the electronic government the people of the government do not need to gather together all the time, but only in very few and specific moments of their function as people's representatives. Now technology gives the possibility remotely to communicate and to take many decisions.
Electronic Government means flexible, practical, and economical.


All the Natural Laws have the function to serve in balance in the Natural world, this is why the Human Laws has to follow the Natural Laws and also to try to serve the People and their Natural world.

In reverse the 12th rules could be described as follow:

We need an,
12- Electronic Government to serve flexible, practical, and economical its citizens, with,
11- Laws that are simple, practical and functional, by applying,
10- Electronic Governance where it saves time, energy, and human resources for other useful functions of the society.

Because economy is our most basic activity,
9- Electronic Currency must apply where it gives speed and minimize obstacles and mulfuncions, like bureaucracy, corruption and criminality.

Necessary for the good function of the State are,
8- Taxes the income tax, profit tax and the VAT tax must have a balance. A universal tax 10% of the income tax, profit tax and the VAT tax, will make the economy to thrive.

Economy is not only taxes but the companies and individuals who make the profit to be taxed that's why,
7- The companies are free to make contracts according their needs and to offer salaries and wages that can attract the workers, and the worker don't need to worry if he loses the job to be at the street without protection thanks to 1st and 2nd basic rules, but to know if he lose his work, he will lose the level of prosperity has accomplish via his work.

Flexible economy means that it has ways to achieve this and it can do by,
6- connect the basic income (1st basic rule) with the wages of the companies. The companies give only an extra amount above the basic income where this amount is in agreement with the worker. That means that the worker take always the basic income and gets the extra wage according the agreement with the company.

Flexible economy is only if you,
5- liberate the companies from the malfunction load of insurance. The companies they should not be busy with insurance but to be busy with their function, which is not other than business, or service,s or what ever other function have.
The companies they don't need to pay any money to the workers for insurance, this is what the State did by providing basic insurance with the (2nd basic rule). The workers they can have better level of insurance than the basic, by paying an extra amount of money from what they earn.
They work, they have more money than the basic income and better insurance, they do not work they do not have the extras.

You can not have economy and especially flexible economy and even a normal State, if you don't have 4- important infrastructures, roads, sea roads, trains, communication-internet, hospitals, schools and public buildings, where it can not develop correct itself as a State.

And we came to tree basic rules where without them the State could not function in balance.

3- To provide an efficient education. By the term efficient means that the members of the society when are finish the basic education period, they know how to behave socially, how to function in the society (having knowledge skills to new technologies, basic knowledge to obligations and rights as individual).
Education is the most important supply to any human society and it shows the level of the development of each society.

2- To provide a basic health to all members of the society. This can be by supplying financial resources to the State and private sector infrastructures aiming to health aid.
Health is the most basic element after food, where gives the society the sense of security. By keeping healthy all members of the society can have the best results as State and as privet sector.
A universal health card to each citizen can be a flexible tool. With this card the citizen can visit public clinics and hospitals or clinics and hospitals of the privet sector according his health card properties.

1- To keep the economy sustainable is to apply a certain basic income for all its members. This income can be enough for food, roof (shared together with other people as motivation pressure of individual freedom), cost of basic bills (energy, internet, telephone), necessary clothes.
The basic income is important factor to keep the economy to function on some level and also the society to keep calm, peaceful, and prosperous.
The basic income has the advance that regulate and circulates the society's economy.
The basic income should not be related to any form of government work because it will conflict with private work, which is the objective aim.

All the above rules can keep any society sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous, and to contribute to a World where Justice, Peace, and Prosperity should dominate Human kind.

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